
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Make a Minor Shift and Create Major Results


Written by Joan Rogliano

Burnout is often a by product in our industry. With all the technology at our finger tips, the expectations continue to escalate and agents and consumers continue to set the bar higher. We're scattered, stressed and often feel overwhelmed. A lot of the fun in what we do has gotten lost in this frantic pace and the contribution to our communities diminished....

Start the new year with a connection to something your passionate about and incorporate that into your marketing plan in even a small way. Create a niche for yourself to grow your business and perhaps contribute to your community. There's a resurgence of relationship building in marketing models and what a natural fit for the real estate industry. Isn't that what we do when we do it right? Finding a home is a very personal service.

Discover within yourself a group you'd like to focus on, perhaps based on a commonality or passion. Seniors, military, families in the transition of divorce, horse properties, investment properties, or vacation homes. There are a myriad of choices available to put that spark back into your work and provide true expertise for these groups that often have very specific needs.

Once you identify your niche, create your marketing plan to connect with this audience and also a media or PR plan. You'll find your practice is more fun when you scale back your focus and can connect with your customers and clients through relationship building and trust. Introduce yourself to your community as an expert for this niche who has the personal connection, expertise and knowledge to best assist with their real estate needs.

Thinking smaller can lead to larger personal rewards and profitability!

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